Monday, January 28, 2008
10 Driving Distractions That Cause Accidents
We have all been driving at some time in our lives when something off the road has caught our eye and we have been distracted from the road for a split second or longer. Here are some of the more common reasons why you may get distracted:
Use of a mobile phone - this is still by far the most common reason for a driver to be distracted, whether they are actually using the phone of just seeing who is calling / reading a text.
Eating - the authorities are now clamping down on people who eat while they drive, arguing (quite rightly) that they cannot be in full control of the vehicle.
Changing the radio - we have all done it, reached down to change the radio station and taken our eyes off the road for a split second, but that is all that it takes.
Retrieving something from the back seat or floor - many people have been caught out reaching into the back seat of their car, or bending down to pick something off the floor. Absolutely crazy!
Lighting a cigarette - while this is not as common occurrence as it once was, many drivers can be easily distracted while lighting up a cigarette.
A simple conversation with a passenger - these have been the reason for many serious incidents, and are so simple to avoid. You should never distract a driver while the vehicle is in motion.
Shaving or applying makeup! While this may seem unbelievable to the average driver, many people have been caught and prosecuted for either shaving or applying make up while driving!
Controversial billboards - Surprisingly there have been many accidents which have occurred due to a drivers attention been distracted for a split second by a billboard.
Checking out an accident! As mad as it seems, the sight of an accident on the other side of the road / motorway has often resulted in a mass pileups as other drivers stretch their necks to see what is happening.
Waving to pedestrians on the side of the road has often been the cause of many accidents - whether it be family friends or someone you like the look of.
Even though you can probably relate to some of the reasons why drivers become distracted, there are some which are plain crazy such as attempting to shave or apply makeup while driving! How many accidents a year would be avoided by using some common sense?
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