Saturday, November 1, 2008

Seven Mistakes That Take Years Off a Heavy-Duty Transmission

Heavy-duty machines have more power and take more of a beating than those found in regular vehicles. This doesn't mean that they will live through years of misuse and neglect. Just like all other equipment, operators need to refrain from putting needless strain on these parts and should maintenance them on a regular basis to keep them working their best. Otherwise, you may be searching for rebuilt transmissions frequently. Here are seven mistakes that can take years off these drive parts and cost you to lose thousands of dollars in downtime.

1. Failing To Adjust Differential Bearings

As you use the equipment, the differential bearings move and loosen off from their original position. This causes the drive train to take far more of a beating than necessary. Every 1,000 hours, have the differential bearings checked and reset if needed. To do this, check with your owner's manual or ask a trusted mechanic.

2. Running Equipment On The Wrong Tires

Running on two different sized tires will cause you to search for rebuilt transmissions faster than you think. Sometimes, having one tire worn considerably farther than the other will also cause undue stress on the drive parts. To keep the transmission running in tiptop shape, check your tires regularly and always use the same size on both sides.

3. Having The Differential Lock Engaged Or Applying The Lock While Moving

Moving the unit while engaging the differential lock can have devastating effects on the drive train. Always make sure the machine comes to a complete stop before applying the lock. Also, be certain that it has completely disengaged before continuing.

4. Allowing The Wheels To Spin While Using The Front Bucket

While there are instances where this does happen, wheel spin should be avoided at all costs. To do this, shift original or rebuilt transmissions into a higher gear. This will relieve some of the stress on the drive parts and will move the load more efficiently.

5. Not Changing The Oil

Failing to change the oil and fluids on a consistent basis is one of the most common mistakes made with vehicles of all kinds. With heavy-duty equipment, change and check the oil and other fluids every 1,000 hours. Since you will be checking the differential bearings at the same time, it will save time and money. Besides, oil changes are far cheaper than major repairs on the drive train.

6. Failing To Find And Repair Leaks

Even if a leak doesn't seem that serious, it can drain the system faster than you think. Sometimes, they will leak faster once the machine is put under stress with a load. Run the machine dry of fluids and the repairs can easily exceed the cost of replacing the entire machine.

7. Shifting From Reverse Into Forward Or Vice Versa While Moving

Always, always, always ensure the unit comes to a complete stop before shifting into a different direction. This causes gears to pile and grind in ways that can be devastating to a unit. You could be searching for rebuilt transmissions the first time you make this mistake.

These seven common mistakes seriously damage and wear even the best original and rebuilt transmissions of the highest quality. Taking a few extra minutes to care for your equipment will save you thousands in needless repairs and replacements.

See You Soon...!! Zzuuupppp..... It's a Plane...! It's a Bird ...!! No.. It's SUPERZAM ...!!!
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