Friday, October 16, 2009

History of Cars

A motor car is a vehicle which is used for transportation purposes. With the help of engine, transmission and wheels it is capable of doing marvels. It is used for transporting passengers, for carrying loads and even for entertainment purposes like racing. According to statistics of 2002 there are 590 million passengers worldwide. But as for 2007, there are 806 million cars and light trucks which burn over 260 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel yearly.

The first steam powered vehicle is said to be invented around 1672 by a member of Jesuit mission in China, Ferdinand Verbiest. It was a small toy made for the Chinese emperor.

In 1769, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is said to have invented the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle but it was not stable enough to run. With no doubt, in 1801, Richard Tvevithick build the first ever road locomotive vehicle which can be used on the road. Although it was believed to be very practical and applicable but was not able to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods. In 1780s, another locomotive vehicle was designed by an ingenious scientist Ivan Kulibin. It was basically a human-pedaled vehicle with few extra features like flywheel, brake, gear box and even bearing.

The first internal combustible engine was invented by a Swiss inventor Francious Isaac De Rivas in 1806. This very engine was fueled by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Gustave Trouve, a French inventor in 1881 developed the first three wheeled automobile. This vehicle was powered by electricity.

Karl Benz is said to be the pioneer of engineering modern automobile. He built a four stroke cycle gasoline engine in Mannhein, Germany. This was developed in 1885 and was granted patent in January under the auspices Benz & Cie. Benz & Cie was founded in 1883. Karl Benz started to sell his vehicles in 1888. According to statistics, 25 Benz vehicles were sold between 1888 and 1893.

In 1890, Diamler and Maybach also sold their first automobile in 1892 under the brand name Diamler. Thirty vehicles were built by them by 1895. After the death of Diamler in 1900, Maybach designed an engine named Diamler-Mercedes. Also, another 35 hp engine was made by DMG, in 1902.

In 1924, an Agreement of Mutual Interest was signed by DMG and Benz & Cie. This agreement lasted till year 2000. They continued to design one of the state of the art vehicles the world has seen.

The first American designed vehicle was developed in 1877 by George Seldon of Rochester, New York He applied to get patents for his invention in 1879 but never got it since the vehicle was never built. After many delays, Seldon finally got his patent on 5th November, 1895. Patents were given for his two stroke engine which was challenged by Henry Ford and others.

See You Soon...!! Zzuuupppp..... It's a Plane...! It's a Bird ...!! No.. It's SUPERZAM ...!!!
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