Monday, November 2, 2009

Brakes Need to Be Checked Regularly For Safety

One of the biggest safety features on your car are the brakes. The technology for this fundamental component has come a long way over the years. Anti-lock brakes have allowed many drivers to avoid a crash and live to drive another day. With all of the innovations in brake technology, there are still some fundamental rules every driver needs to know for proper maintenance and safety. The two kinds of brakes being used on cars today are disc and drum brakes. The difference between the two are very obvious when you see them side by side. The disc brake looks like a clamp around a disc. The drum brake resembles a pump which pushes brake pads outward. The more common of the two on modern assemblies is the disc brake. The reason it is favored by manufacturers is because it offers better stopping power and requires less maintenance. It is not uncommon on commercial vehicles to have disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the back. Almost every time you bring in your car to be looked at, the mechanic will take a look at the brakes. This is because how quickly the brake pads can wear out. Those who commit to excessive acceleration and subsequent deceleration will go through brake pads much quicker. Replacing your brake pads is usually not a very expensive procedure. The costs of not replacing the pads will easily dwarf what you would have paid. Damage to rotors, calipers, and drums can cost you not only money, but will make your car unsafe to drive. If you are unsure about the quality of your brakes, there are some warning signs. The most obvious warning sign your brake pads need to be replaced is a squeaking sound. This occurs sometimes directly after brake changes when mechanics do not use the proper brake pad oil. Simply take the car right back and ask them to complete the procedure. If you hear a grinding noise when you brake, you have worn through your pad and need to get your car to a mechanic as soon as possible. This is the point where you can cost serious problems to your brake system. Other warning signs include a shaky brake pedal, listing to one side when you brake, shaky steering wheel, slow to stop, and the obvious brake pad warning light. Brake pads are something which are designed to wear out over time. By having your brakes inspected regularly, you will only have to change your pads. This will help you to keep repair costs to a minimum. Trying to save a buck by extending the life of your brake pads can lead to very costly repairs. It does not take too much to cause your rotor to have to be refaced, or replaced altogether. Calipers can be destroyed by neglect. A little bit of preventative maintenance on your part will go a long way to increasing your safety and the longevity of your car. Of course, you will save money in the long run too.
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