Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What is Biodiesel and Should You Be Using It?

With fuel prices skyrocketing all over the world these days, you surely must have heard about biodiesel being the popular alternative to fuel that is becoming increasingly expensive. Yes, there has been a lot of hype about biodiesel, particularly because of the many advantages that come with using it. However, not too many people can answer this question: what is biodiesel? In fact, many people can enumerate the advantages of using biodiesel, particularly when it comes to budget and the environment. But ask people to explain what biodiesel is exactly and not too many would be able to explain this type of fuel quite well.

Simply put, biodiesel is tomorrow's fuel made available today. This fuel alternative burns very clean, which is why it is quite preferred over regular diesel. We all know that the major downside of diesel-powered cars is that over time, they would certainly start emitting black smoke. In fact, diesel-powered cars can almost be synonymous to smoke belchers. With air pollution plaguing our environment right now, diesel has certainly become quite hazardous to use. Fortunately, the alternative presented by biodiesel does not come with such emissions so you do not have to worry yourself about this anymore.

Biodiesel is also made from renewable sources. Diesel is petroleum-based so you would need to dig up oil wells to extract fuel for your own consumption. This would be great if every residence all over America would have their own oil well rich with fuel that would last several lifetimes. However, no such oil well exists in each residence. And oil is not a renewable resource at all. This means when you use up oil, you definitely use up oil.

Biodiesel, on the other hand, comes from sources that are very much renewable. Take, for instance, the fact that used cooking oil can actually be used to create biodiesel that can power your very own car. Yes, this is indeed very possible, and with the help of a biodiesel processor, you can do this right at your own home. Your used cooking oil would just be placed into a processor that is specially designed to extract the needed vegetable oil from your resource. Once veggie oil is extracted, your biodiesel processor would then process the collected oil, refine it, and then convert it into biodiesel fuel. Such is the technology that comes with biodiesel.

See You Soon...!! Zzuuupppp..... It's a Plane...! It's a Bird ...!! No.. It's SUPERZAM ...!!!
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